Saturday, May 16, 2009

Holistic Detox

Princess Diana couldnt get enough of his treatments, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Moss and Sadie Frost raved about him incessantly...I was intrigued.
I read his book last year and was really impressed with his simple sensible healthy detox plan that I tried to adopt and then decided to see for myself this January what the hype was all about.
I was greeted by a receptionist who gave me the usual questionaire to fill out in most medical, habits, medical history etc..There were shelves filled with his organic remedies and healthy food constituents.
I saw a girl walk in followed by a man who took a small vial of liquid added a few drops of something else from a jar, shake it and pass it on to her with words of encouragement and requesting to see her in two weeks time.
He then turned to me and smiled...In his crisp British Indian accent he introduced himself as Joshi and lead me up a narrow staircase to his airy office...very calm and relaxed we talked about my hectic lifestyle, my chronic insomnia and how I just needed to feel perkier after the insane past year I had.
After the discussion he advised me on a session of acupuncture and quite a healthy dose of his detox meds as well as continuing on his food advice. I was lead to a massgae table in the middle of the room and he placed the needles in my feet, my arms,my forehead and ears..surprisingly I didnt feel a thing..He left the room for a while whilst I had a Juliette Binoche lookalike therapist come in quietly to check on me..I was expecting to feel sudden tranquility or euphoria but disappointingly didnt.
After the session he led me downstairs with a load of his detox meds to suit each requirement he diagnosed and a sheet of advice on food with a stress on soya milk. We arranged a follow up appointment and he warmly set me off on my way.
As I walked down the street ten minutes later I felt like I was floating on all my blocked chakras internally were sparkly bursting bubbles..I went home took the herbal remedies and the next morning I was glowing.
I'm back on his detox today and its a good thing to do from time to time..his clinic now has introduced in conjunction a very lavish gym for yoga and other chakra relaxing work with a personal trainer for a complete holistic body program.

You can contact him at



Fastidious Babe said...

wow! sounds great! will have a look at the books.. keep me posted on how ur detox works xx

zuz said...

wow! me likey!

Aljoud said...

sounds fantastic!! I did try accupuncture and I rrrrrrreally love it! Theres this FAB acupuncturist here in Dubai thats marvelous.. (we share the same d.o.b so thats a plus :p) I could give you her contact details if you want!
I've never tried detoxing.. I remember you giving me a full week's plan but never got the chance to do it..
I'll check the website.. I want a magical creativity pill.. ma 3ndeh? :p

love you, miss you.

PinkChampagne said...

@F.B..I will certainly three and Im'll take a week to be balanced once more :)

@Zuz..Try it out especially with your diet'll add a spring to your step (after a week) lol x

@Aljoud..I would loooove her contact details please that would be awesome..Thank you 7ayati..try the weeks one I gave you its really a good kick boost to your you absolutely dont need a creativity pill...Im in luuuuurve with your cashmere blankies and its been on my mind to contact you to order a few...they are sooo cute! Email me xx

i*maginate said...


Anonymous said...

love the music on your blog, gr8 taste <3
excuse my curiosity but whats the one week detox plan Aljoud mentioned , can you please share it here :)


PinkChampagne said...

@I*maginate..Thanks for dropping by :)

@Nasim..I really really appreciate that, its for your listening pleasure, so thank you :) I gave that specific plan to Aljoud last year! lol I'll email her and get it for you and post very soon.

Aljoud said...

7abeebat albi inty *hugsyoubreathless*
yaay i'm glad you liked the blankets! <3 i'm thinking of making one for myself lol I love love love how soft they are!
i'll email you now with the acupuncturist's details and the detox plan you gave me the other day..
if you want to order some blankies, i'll send you the colors available and you let me know what you like!
love you

Aljoud said...

tried to email you but it bounced back! do you have a gmail?
email me on

PinkChampagne said...

@Nasim..heres the detox :)
Detoxing would require setting aside a week where you can survive on a totally different diet...i.e no school or work.
First three days: with fluids...fresh teas...loads of water...
Fourth day: add some leafy soft veggies i.e parsley and lettuce and fresh soup...
Fifth day: add some soft fruits watermelon...pineapple..berries...pomegranate is excellent for the blood...and live yogurt.
6th and 7th day: introduce some carbs...oatmeal...milk...boiled carrots and some should be able to introduce proteins later on normally start with healthy beans...eggwhites..and add white chicken etc...
Dont forget to hydrate with'll prolly expect crazy symptoms headaches...breakouts...bad moods the first few days...thats normal and will clear up quickly as your body just means youre eliminating toxins from your system.

Anonymous said...

i was checking your blog every minute waiting for you to post the diet ...thanks a million , gonna start it next week :)


PinkChampagne said...

@Nasim...youre more than welcome Glad to be of help :)

Anonymous said...

craving an update from you

PinkChampagne said...

@Anon...Thank you! I will soooon :)